Annette Peer said that a stain on a jacket that WESTERFIELD left at a dry
cleaner and another stain found on the carpet of his motor home matched DNA
samples collected from DANIELLE VAN DAM.
Peer said the probability that the stain on the carpet came from someone
other than DANIELLE VAN DAM was one in 130 quadrillion (130 followed by 15
zeros). She also testified that the chance of a mismatch in the case
of the jacket stain was even less likely.

"I told Mark that I was going back down to the Strand.
Why I said that I don't know
-- but I did, I said I was going back down to the Strand --
because I had already made up my mind to go someplace
Prosecutor JEFF DUSEK:
"Fantasies breed need. If you can tell me why a
normal 50 year old man would collect this stuff, I can tell you how a 50
year old man could kidnap and rape a small child -- excuse me -- kidnap and
kill a small child."
"She is Speaking to us She is speaking to us
to us all."
"She struggled, as we can see -- she fought, as we can see. She left her
fingerprints -- she left her hair. This was not an easy time -- this was
not fast
but it worked."
" Inside the trash was a lintball. Thank goodness somebody took the time
to go through lintballs in the trash can.
"He is guilty. Guilty to the core."
When Detective Keene caught
up with Westerfield on Feb. 4, his rambling explanation of his weekend adventures
-- a recreational vehicle odyssey from Silver Strand State Beach to the desert
and back to Silver Strand -- grabbed the detective's attention, according
to the Union-Tribune.
During a drive in the desert to show detectives where he camped the weekend
DANIELLE VAN DAM disappeared, DAVID WESTERFIELD commented that the area would
be a "great place to dump a body." Later that day, when a detective
said it would be nice to know where the 7-year-old's body was located,
WESTERFIELD told him to just be patient and police "will get the information
they need." When asked when that would be, WESTERFIELD said it would
be "sooner than they think."
Then Westerfield mentioned chatting with Brenda van Dam at Dad's, and told
Keene, out of the blue, "I could have sworn she said she had a baby sitter.
I didn't know her husband was home."
The indictment of the victim's family, based on silly speculation about their
private sex life, has gone on ever since STEVEN FELDMAN first spread the
rumors, less than a week after DANIELLE VAN DAM went missing.
When parents suffer the loss of a small child, and then people further victimize
them by spreading lies, rumors and innuendo about their personal lives --
one cannot then be surprised that those very same people will refuse to believe
the GUILTY VERDICT, and will continue to sling mud and propose ridiculous
and paranoid theories about the victims, the prosecutors, the jury and the
entire system of American justice.
Friday February 1
When Brenda van Dam returned from the bar at 2 a.m. she found the garage
door open. At around 3:30 a.m., Damon van Dam woke and checked on the family
dog. He found a sliding door open, closed it, and returned to bed.

"Our nation has come to know the names and faces
of too many wonderful children, because they've been the victims of despicable
acts of violence, children like Danielle Van Dam and Samantha Runnion. But
in our sorrow, we are reminded of the incredible ability of all Americans
to support one another in times of need and in times of crisis.
Danielle's mother, Brenda, recently exchanged words of comfort with Samantha's
mother, Erin, and here's what was said: We had a conversation, mother
to mother, about our daughters, our pain, and also our hope that Danielle
and Samantha are dancing together in heaven.
No family should ever have to endure the terrible pain of losing a child.
Our nation grieves with every family that has suffered unbearable loss, and
our nation will fight the threats against our children. We can take hopeful
and practical steps to improve our children's safety, and we will take those
steps together.
Thank you all very much. May God continue to protect America's children.
Thank you."
-- President George W. Bush
Danielle's friends and her classmates at Creekside Elementary School describe
her as a sweet, quiet girl who laughed a lot.
"I think about her every day," Sergey Smirnoff, a 6-year-old classmate, said
a few days after her disappearance. "Everybody talks about her. We're trying
to figure out how she got lost."
Nearly every day she jotted down her thoughts in a journal she kept at home.
Family friend Paula Call said Danielle sometimes explored complex topics
for a 7-year-old, like how she could change the world.
They Found A Weird Shell
Casing Too!
Like the bedroom shell casing, one can continue to point to the many molehills
of inconsistent occurances that exsist outside of the state's theory, but
one cannot then ignore the mountain of bizarre evidence and extremely damning
DNA that absolutely prove the defendant's recent and prolonged contact with
the victim.
Proof that the universe is strange and that anything is possible, does not
amount to reasonable doubt when facing evidence that links the murderer to
the victim with a certainty of 1 in 130,000,000,000,000,000.
The odds that bloodstains on the defendant's coat weren't Danielle van Dam's
are 1 in 130,000,000,000,000,000. There is no doubt that Danielle
bled on that jacket.
In all fairness, one has to admit -- it is possible that the child
bled on the coat at some earlier time, but what are the odds that the defendant
happened to be taking that particular coat to the dry-cleaners at 7 AM after
the weekend the child went missing?
A trial is not a search for the remotely
"And I can assure the defense in this matter, I've given it
a lot of -- conscious thought because jury instructions are the mine fields
of judges because of the scrutiny that they're placed under on appellate
review, but I am absolutely satisfied -- that there is only one theory in
this case based on the state of the evidence which is not gonna change regardless
of whether this expert testifies or not -- and that is, that this homicide
occurred during the course of a kidnapping. There is evidence to establish
that the child was home -- that no one had permission to take the child --
and there's obviously evidence linking Mr. Westerfield to the child -- and
as a result this jury is either gonna find this was a homicide in the course
of a kidnapping or it wasn't."
-- Judge William Mudd
"With today's confirmation that our beloved Danielle will never again be
physically present in our lives, we are experiencing the depths of sadness,
loss and grief, which only parents who have lost children under similar
circumstances can fully comprehend."
"Danielle was a very special, beautiful, loving little girl. We miss her
desperately but find comfort in knowing that she is now safe again and at